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Sehubungan dengan Perintah Tertulis Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) kepada PT. Pan Arcadia Capital yang diumumkan melalui Pengumuman Nomor Peng-5/PM.1/2023 tanggal 18 Agustus 2023.
NAB Reksa Dana Tumbuh 25NAB Reksa Dana Tumbuh 25%
JAKARTA - Bertumbuh 25% setahun dalam delapan tahun terakhir, nilai aktiva bersih (NAB) reksa dana bakal menembus Rp 1.000 triliun dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Dengan sosialisasi dan edukasi yang lebih gencar serta pemanfaatan teknologi informasi, jumlah investor reksa dana bisa mencapai 10 juta dalam dua tahun yang akan datang.
OJK Terus Kembangkan Produk Reksa DanaOJK Terus Kembangkan Produk Reksa Dana
Sementara itu, Kepala Pengawas Pasar Modal Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Nurhaida mengungkapkan, saat ini OJK terus mengembangkan produk reksa dana agar bisa memberi banyak pilihan investasi kepada masyarakat.
Information and data in the form of news, financial guidance and investment guide on this page created by PT. Pan ARCADIA CAPITAL and is taken from a variety of sources including affiliated and non-affiliated financial services publications. Information and data are in general, can not be considered as advice or recommendation in making investment, mutual fund trading and is not an offer or solicitation and the trading of the Securities. Quotes and data are delayed unless otherwise noted. For the PT. Pan ARCADIA CAPITAL is not responsible for the lack of accuracy of information and data as well as losses that may arise in the future and suffered by the CUSTOMER or other third party, as a result of investment decisions, the trade and sale of shares by the CUSTOMER effects based on the information and data mentioned.
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